Tell Your Family's Story

The Family Center Project is a place where you and your family can:
  • Share and preserve family history and genealogy.
  • Share family photos, audio recordings, and videos.
  • Share biographies, stories and anecdotes.

Content is provided by you, your family and friends.

Confidentiality: Each family controls who can see its information. We will never share family information or materials with outside parties.

Organization: Information is organized by family groups, and users are enrolled as members of one or more family groups. Only members of a group may view or update its information.

Availability: Access to this site is by enrollment only. Visitors may explore the demonstration.

Demonstration: Click here to enter the Family Center Project and explore the Tudor family (King Henry VIII).

Under individual view or family view, enter "Tudor" for the last name. You will not be able to change any information, but can browse through family trees, individual chronologies, and the family album.

Member login: Login
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to apply for membership, please email us at info@xxx